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Support & Advocacy Resources

Peer Specialists and Their Power of Lived of Experience
Mental health can be affected by a lot of different things: anxiety, depression, trauma, addiction and beyond. Which can mean those of us living each day with it feel as if we are going through something no one else can understand. Having someone i…
“Mental Health Colorado is the state’s leading advocate for the prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. We are a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization and an affiliate of Mental Health America.”
How Adult Allies Can Support LGBTQ+ Youth
Between hormones, insecurities, and social pressures, growing up can be an awkward and challenging process. However, for LGBTQ youth, whose main concerns are their safety and the acceptance of their identity, as opposed to grades or college applica…
7 Ways to Be a Mental Health Ally
On average, 1 in 5 American adults will experience a mental illness each year, but with global events like the pandemic, these numbers are sure to increase. In the past, some people might have believed that mental health was only a concer…
4 Ways to Become a Mental Health Ally
There is 1 in 5 adults who have a mental health condition in America. While mental health conditions are widespread throughout the United States, there is still a longstanding stigma that exists. Stigma often stops people from getting hel…
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Reach out and connect with Jefferson Center today. 

    Getting Started
    Jefferson Center provides client-centered services designed to meet your individual mental health, substance use, and wellness needs. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your journey and working together to help you live a satisfying and hopeful life.

    Emergency & Crisis Services
    • Hotline
    • Walk-in crisis centers
    • Mobile crisis services throughout the state