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Mental Health Matters Resources

Each of us experience a different mental health journey. Mental Health Matters explores topics we might face including resources we can use to support our mental health as well as those around us.
Mental Health Matters
How to Cope When Your Child’s First Day of Kindergarten Is in Your Living Room
For millions of children, the end of summer means the beginning of their first year in school. Due to the pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding schools reopening, many children will be attending their first day of school virtually from home an…
5 Best Places to Get Your Body Moving in Denver
Exercise and time spent outdoors are crucial to building up your mental and physical health. Did you know that doing 30 minutes of exercise a day may significantly improve symptoms of depression and anxiety? And research has also shown that …
How to Recognize the Warning Signs of Suicide and What You Can Do to Help
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month but you can learn to recognize the signs and risk factors of suicide, spread awareness in your community, and know how to respond to someone in crisis all year long.  Suicide is preventable …
How to Know When Your Child Is Depressed and What You Can Do to Help
If you’ve noticed that your child or teenager seems to be angry more often or has developed a negative attitude recently, you might be wondering if they’re just going through normal growing pains. While some mood swings are normal as kids develop…
Your Guide to Colorado Housing and Unemployment Benefits
Navigating how to apply for benefits and figuring out which benefits you need can be a tricky process, especially if you’ve just lost a job, home, or health insurance coverage. However, with the right information and a little direction, you can g…
Mental Illness Doesn’t Discriminate, so Why Do BIPOC Communities Have Difficulty Accessing Care?
During challenging times, the topic of mental health and wellness moves to the forefront of many people’s minds. However, this does not always mean that people who need mental health care will have access to it. In fact, some of the communities t…
Self-Care: It’s Not Always Bubble Baths (But It Can Be!)
Self-care has become a bit of a buzzword recently with big movements in health and wellness taking over social media. Posts are often associated with skincare routines, face masks, and fresh manicures. While taking care of yourself is always…
Getting Out of a Funk: How to Help Yourself Through Depression
Everyone has off days when they feel tired, irritable, and sad. It’s normal to feel sadness as a response to challenging life events, loss, or changes, but sometimes these feelings can stick around for a while if left unaddressed and make it diff…
“I’m Fine”: How to Talk to the Men in Your Life About Their Mental Health
How many times have you heard the words ‘I’m fine’ when you asked your husband/boyfriend/father/son/friend about their mental health? The truth is that it can be tricky to start a dialogue with men about the emotional and mental challenges they m…
How Adult Allies Can Support LGBTQ+ Youth
Between hormones, insecurities, and social pressures, growing up can be an awkward and challenging process. However, for LGBTQ youth, whose main concerns are their safety and the acceptance of their identity, as opposed to grades or college appli…
Contact Us

Reach out and connect with Jefferson Center today. 

    Getting Started
    Jefferson Center provides client-centered services designed to meet your individual mental health, substance use, and wellness needs. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your journey and working together to help you live a satisfying and hopeful life.

    Emergency & Crisis Services
    • Hotline
    • Walk-in crisis centers
    • Mobile crisis services throughout the state