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Mental Health Matters Resources

Each of us experience a different mental health journey. Mental Health Matters explores topics we might face including resources we can use to support our mental health as well as those around us.
Mental Health Matters
Healthy Heart, Healthy Mind: Understanding the Connection Between Mental Health and Your Body
The mind and the body are often more connected than people might realize. They are able to impact one another in both positive and negative ways depending on a variety of factors. This February for American Heart Month, we’re exploring the mind-b…
How to Have a Mentality of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is known as the psychological state of awareness, the practices that promote awareness, and a mode of processing information. In simpler terms, mindfulness is about being fully present and aware of our surroundings in the current mome…
Healthy Ways to Take on New Year’s Resolutions
The past year was a difficult one for everyone and 2020 left many people feeling ready for a change. With 2021 fresh in our minds and on our calendars, some might be turning to New Year’s resolutions as a way to facilitate a positive lifestyle di…
Healthy at Home: How Building Routines Can Set You and Your Kids up for Success
As COVID-19 cases continue to spike across Colorado, schools are going back to fully remote learning. For many parents and guardians, this means being part-time teachers on top of being full-time parents again. It can be tough to juggle parent…
7 Fun Things to Do Indoors This Winter
As the seasons change and the temperatures drop, some people might be wondering what they’ll do for the next few months at home as the pandemic and social distancing practices continue. While this winter will look a little different than most, th…
Tips for a Safe Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. For many, that means turkey, family, and football. No matter your traditions, one thing is certain, this year’s festivities will be unlike any other. With the ongoing pandemic continuing to disrupt daily li…
5 Tips to Help Navigate Family Conflicts
Between back-to-school, work, and a hectic election season, you might be finding yourself with less patience and more family conflicts. While any election and holiday season can present additional stress and opportunities for disagreements, this …
How Seasonal Changes Can Impact Your Mental Health
Winter is coming, and with it comes colder weather and shorter days. Although many people embrace the snowy days, there’s a reason it’s called the winter blues. Each year, roughly 5% of adults in the US face seasonal affective disorder (SAD)…
Navigating Through Turmoil and Uncertainty
It’s no secret that this election cycle has been stressful for everyone, regardless of party lines. On top of this is the anxiety that has been stirring since last spring when the pandemic began, which has left many people feeling exhausted and o…
How COVID-19 Has Impacted Intimate Partner Violence
As COVID-19 cases surged in the United States, stay-at-home orders were put in place, schools began to close, many workers were furloughed or laid off, and other measures were implemented to protect the public and prevent a widespread outbreak. T…
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    Getting Started
    Jefferson Center provides client-centered services designed to meet your individual mental health, substance use, and wellness needs. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your journey and working together to help you live a satisfying and hopeful life.

    Emergency & Crisis Services
    • Hotline
    • Walk-in crisis centers
    • Mobile crisis services throughout the state