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Mental Health Matters Resources

Each of us experience a different mental health journey. Mental Health Matters explores topics we might face including resources we can use to support our mental health as well as those around us.
Mental Health Matters
Random Acts of Kindness Boost Everyone – Including You
One of the best ways to take care of yourself can be… (drum roll) doing something really nice for someone else. The term is called “Random Acts of Kindness” and whether you’re into Zen or just want to make a tangible, practical difference in s…
Veteran’s Day – What It Means to Them…and Us
Our military service taught us and molded us in multiple ways. We know how to work hard, learn difficult things quickly, and make difficult decisions with incomplete information. But we also learned not to stick out. There is a reason we wore cam…
How to Make Stress Your “Friend”
We’ve all been under stress, and we may think – way too much of it! With the holidays approaching, sometimes stress can take over as our major emotion. Do you find yourself thinking “It’s all just too hectic!” Or “I’m stressed…I need a break!”? …
Calm Your Child’s Anxiety With Back-To-School Tips
Transition times can be difficult for children and parents alike.  Going back to school is often one of those challenges tied to a myriad of emotions.  A good approach might be to instill positive experiences that encourage them to…
Substance Use: How Do I Know When I Need Help?
Using substances that alter our mood, behavior, and thinking is widespread in most societies and has been going on for centuries. Many of us start the day with a cup of coffee or tea. Our reaction can be anything from feeling more alert and energ…
Beat the Summer Slump
The lazy, hazy days of summer are here bringing the call of Summer to get outside and enjoy. Anticipating vacation, or just getting back from time off boosts the challenges of being productive for many of us.  It can be tempting to do, well……
When Upsetting Events Happen, Take Care of Yourself First
Unfortunately, it’s happening too often. Three critical, traumatic events incidents in less than 24 hours with graphic pictures and nonstop news coverage splashed across our screens. While none of us can personally do anything about those…
Enjoying Summer Season Benefits – Getting Outside for Your Health and Self-Care
Some of us have been waiting for it-this is the month for the longest daylight of the year, the 21st, a welcome antidote for the short, dark days of winter, when we go to work in the dark and it’s already dark before we leave.  Cheer up. It’…
A Letter From One Veteran to Another
It’s been a few years since you were in the service and your hair is a little longer, you wake up a little later, and you’ve probably called in to skip work once or twice because you just didn’t feel like going in. You’ve got a new routine that d…
Mom to Moms – Tips to Cope When Your Emotional Tank Is Running Dry
If you’ve ever felt like your emotional tank is running dry, you’re not alone.  The good news is there are ways to fix that weary drain before it drags you down. We don’t have to be “everything to everyone.” Teacher, nurse, chef, maid,…
Contact Us

Reach out and connect with Jefferson Center today. 

    Getting Started
    Jefferson Center provides client-centered services designed to meet your individual mental health, substance use, and wellness needs. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your journey and working together to help you live a satisfying and hopeful life.

    Emergency & Crisis Services
    • Hotline
    • Walk-in crisis centers
    • Mobile crisis services throughout the state