Resources for Dealing With Depression

Everyone deals with low points in life, but when the low feelings stick around, it might be time to look for resources to help you deal with depression. As one of the most common mental health disorders experienced by all ages of people, depression can be tough to tackle. However, there are ample tools, tips, and resources to help you manage and overcome your depression.
Here’s how you can get started:
Facts and Statistics
Get the basics like who experience depression, how to identify the symptoms, and more. These resources will give you a broad overview of this common mental health hurdle.
- Just the Facts: Depression
- Depression in Women: Understanding the Gender Gap
- Anxiety & Depression Association of America: Facts and Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention FastFacts: Depression
If you want to dive deep into how depression affects the mind and body, who can suffer from depression, and the treatment methods available to you, be sure to read these blogs. They’ll help you get more familiar with depression so you can tackle it with confidence.
- Depression Can Affect Anyone: Here’s How To Help
- Getting Out Of A Funk: How To Help Yourself Through Depression
- Getting Out Of A Funk: Tools And Tips To Manage Depression
- When It’s More Than “Just The Blues:” Depression Among Older Adults
- When Spring Doesn’t Bring Sunshine: Supporting A Loved One With Depression Or Anxiety
Tools and Tips for Managing Depression
Depression is very treatable, and these tools and tips can help you get your depression under control. These resources will also be able to help you identify when you might need to reach out for extra support from friends, family, or an experienced therapist.
Organizations Offering Support for Depression
Depression is a serious mental health issue affecting a significant number of people each year. Luckily, there are plenty of organizations and programs in existence, specifically dedicated to helping address community mental health needs. Along with Jefferson Center, here are some experts on the subject of depression and how individuals with mental health disorders can get the support they need.
If you’re in a crisis, you can get immediate help by calling us at 720-900-5685 or by calling the crisis line at 844-493-8255. The 24/7 crisis walk-in center and withdrawal management program is open at 4643 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Helpline
- #BeThe1To
- Mental Health America
- Mental Health First Aid
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- The Trevor Project
- National Institute of Mental Health
For a brief overview of the key points, these videos are a great source for fast facts and essential info about identifying, treating, and overcoming depression.
- Mental Health Minute: Depression
- What is Depression? – Helen M. Farrell
- 12 Things About Depression You Need to Know
Remember, no matter what you’re facing in life, Jefferson Center is here for you. Depression is a common and highly treatable mental health issue. With the right resources, tools, and tips, you can get your depression under control and get back to living a happy, healthy life.
- Kiara’s Note – Blog
- Mental Health Matters – Blog
- Voices of Hope – Blog
- Humans of Jefferson Center
- Addiction & Substance Use
- Anxiety
- Child Mental Health
- Crisis and Trauma
- Depression
- Exercise
- Just The Facts
- LGBTQIA+ & Pride
- Medicaid
- Men’s Mental Health
- Parenting
- Recovery
- Senior and Older Adult
- Socializing
- Stigma
- Stress
- Suicide Prevention
- Support & Advocacy
- Teen’s Mental Health
- Treatment Options
- Women’s Mental Health