Navigation Services
The navigation team provides information, assessment, and referrals to resources at Jefferson Center and in the community.

The Navigation Services Team Can Help With
- Assessing, applying and problem solving for all public benefits.
- Information about all Jefferson Center programs and services.
- Information and referrals to resources in the community.
- Brief clinical services and short term problem resolution.

Navigation Services can help you find out if you are eligible, and may be able to help you apply, for the following benefits:
- Adult, Family Medicaid & CHP+
- Financial Assistance for Food
- Social Security Programs (SSDI, SSI, Medicare, Prescription Plans)
- QMB, SLMB (Medicare Savings Programs)
- Rent Rebate /LEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program)
- AND (Aid to the Needy & Disabled)
- OAP (Old Age Pension)
- FTANF/Colorado Works (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
- HCBS (Home and Community Based Services)