Keeping or Restoring Your Medicaid Benefits

Have you lost your Medicaid benefits and aren’t sure why? Are you confused about why you lost your Medicaid benefits? You may still be eligible to receive Medicaid. Some cases may even be eligible to have past services covered. These resources can help:
Local Resources – Jefferson County:
Jefferson County Dept. of Human Services
900 Jefferson County Parkway
Suite 170
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303-271-1388
Fax: 303-271-4207
Waivers Served: Brain Injury Waiver (BI), Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver (CLLI), Children’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver (CHCBS), Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (CMHS), Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (CIH), Elderly, Blind and Disabled Waiver (EBD)
Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
11177 W. 8th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
Phone: 303-233-3363
Waivers Served: Children’s Extensive Support Waiver (CES), Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP), Children’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver (CHCBS), Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD), Supported Living Services Waiver (SLS)
Local Resources – Clear Creek and Gilpin Counties:
Adult Care Management, Inc. – Single Entry Point (SEP)
1455 Dixon Avenue
Suite 105
Lafayette, CO 80026
Phone: 303-439-7011
Fax: 866-931-0763
Waivers Served: Brain Injury Waiver (BI), Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver (CLLI), Children’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver (CHCBS), Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (CMHS), Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (CIH), Elderly, Blind and Disabled Waiver (EBD)
Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
11177 W. 8th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80215
Phone: 303-233-3363
Waivers Served: Children’s Extensive Support Waiver (CES), Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP), Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD), Supported Living Services Waiver (SLS)
Other State Resources:
Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus Grievance Form
For the first time in more than three years, Coloradans who are no longer eligible for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) are losing their coverage.
Jefferson Center Navigation can help you apply for Medicaid- and help in-person with paper applications or virtually with online applications! We can also assess eligibility for sliding scale and get that established in the interim. Medicaid typically back-dates coverage for up to 3 months to cover accruing expenses while people are waiting for benefits to be approved so clients can be reimbursed for costs once approved as well. We also have information on Marketplace insurance we can share for individuals who are over income for Medicaid, but we are unable to assist with these applications specifically.
Resource flyers from the Colorado Department of Health:
- Kiara’s Note – Blog
- Mental Health Matters – Blog
- Voices of Hope – Blog
- Humans of Jefferson Center
- Addiction & Substance Use
- Anxiety
- Child Mental Health
- Crisis and Trauma
- Depression
- Exercise
- Just The Facts
- LGBTQIA+ & Pride
- Medicaid
- Men’s Mental Health
- Parenting
- Recovery
- Senior and Older Adult
- Socializing
- Stigma
- Stress
- Suicide Prevention
- Support & Advocacy
- Teen’s Mental Health
- Treatment Options
- Women’s Mental Health