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Client and Family Advocate
The Client and Family Advocate is your guide for navigating and problem-solving your care at Jefferson Center.
Service Concerns
The Client and Family Advocate can help you with your service concerns such as:
  • You would like to discuss any aspect of the services you receive at Jefferson Center.
  • You want support in understanding the bills that you are receiving.
  • You would like support in navigating how to receive care from Jefferson Center.

File a Complaint

Your Client and Family Advocate can help you file a complaint about any aspect of your experience at Jefferson Center.

REMEMBER: Any client at Jefferson Center can file a formal complaint.

The practice of psychotherapy is regulated by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies. The State Grievance Board can be reached at 303-894-7855, or 1560 Broadway, Suite 1550, Denver, CO 80202. Indicate you want the mental health section.

Your Rights
Anyone who receives mental health services at Jefferson Center has rights and responsibilities. Here are some examples of your rights:
  • Review or ask for a copy of your medical record.
  • Have a service plan which you help to write, and get a copy of it.
  • Be treated in a way that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for you.

Printable Client Rights Statement (.pdf) – EnglishEspañol

Have a Voice

In order for Jefferson Center’s services to meet the needs of its clients and family members in the best way, it is very important for them to be active participants in designing those services.

The Jefferson Center Person and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is a board that advises Jefferson Center from a consumer / family member perspective. The board is educated via presentations, discussions, field trips, and more about a variety of issues facing behavioral healthcare services in Jefferson, Gilpin, and Clear Creek counties as well as the larger behavioral health community. The board provides feedback to Jefferson Center via the Performance and Quality Assurance workgroup. Comprised of consumers, family members, and Jefferson Center staff, clients from Jefferson Center are invited to participate on the Person and Family Advisory Council. For more information and to get involved contact Patty Viles at

New Ways to Connect

In response to changes in our service environment and to increase accessibility for clients, Jefferson Center will now offer virtual appointments with our Client Advocate. You can schedule by calling or emailing our Client and Family Advocate.

Questions or problems? Contact:

Patty Viles, Client and Family Advocate
Jefferson Center Office of Consumer and Family Affairs
4851 Independence Street, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Phone: 303-432-5047

Contact Us

Reach out and connect with Jefferson Center today. 

    Getting Started
    Jefferson Center provides client-centered services designed to meet your individual mental health, substance use, and wellness needs. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your journey and working together to help you live a satisfying and hopeful life.

    Emergency & Crisis Services
    • Hotline
    • Walk-in crisis centers
    • Mobile crisis services throughout the state