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Classes & Events
How to Take Care of Your Mental Health When You’re Unemployed
On-Demand Webinar Losing a job comes with a heavy emotional toll. Experiencing shock and disbelief is normal, along with feeling frustrated, anxious, lost, and even hopeless.  When you’re thrown into an uncertain future, like being unemp…
Taming the Anxious Mind
Do you find yourself, your child, or a loved one burdened by worry, anxiety, or panic? Come learn a few techniques to help tame the anxious mind! During this webinar, you will practice effective coping skills for anxiety, including mindfuln…
Facing the Unknown: Building Resiliency During Times of Uncertainty
On-Demand Webinar Many are now facing unemployment, the fear of being exposed to the virus in public, and all of us are anxiously waiting to see what happens next. During this time of unknowns, it is important to find healthy ways to cope, know…
Tools to Thrive: How to Achieve Better Mental Health
On-Demand Webinar Over the last few months, we have all felt a strain on our mental health as we have adjusted and coped with various aspects of life during a pandemic. However, during these times, and other difficult times in life, it is possib…
Coping With Grief and Loss During COVID-19
On-Demand Webinar With the world rapidly changing over the past few months, we have all felt a sense of loss. Some are mourning the loss of a loved one due to the pandemic. Others are mourning the loss of a job. And students have lost the last q…
Healthy Ways to Deal With Stress During COVID-19
On-Demand Webinar We all deal with stress every day, but in the middle of an ongoing crisis, intensified stress can threaten to take over, causing an emotional and physical impact. Finding ways to cope and create stability are key to maintaining…
Mental Health in the Military
On-Demand Webinar In the time of COVID-19, a majority of people are dealing with mental health concerns, but if you’re in the military or a veteran, you might be struggling with unique issues.  Join Kyle Alcorn, Jefferson Center Veteran…
Parenting in a Digital World
On-Demand Webinar Technology brings us so many benefits and during this pandemic it has allowed us to telework, connect with family and friends, homeschool, and more. But being home and out of school, also means technology is presenting new chal…
Coping With Coronavirus Webinar Series: How to Stay Connected During COVID-19
On-Demand Webinar Whether you’re staying home right now because you’re quarantined, in a high-risk category, or to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, you might be feeling lonely and isolated and wondering, “How are we supposed to stay socia…
Support for Essential Workers –Managing Distress and Trauma
On-Demand Webinar Our essential workers are on the front lines during this pandemic, experiencing this pandemic in different ways than most. From healthcare workers to grocery store clerks, from mail carriers to first responders, if you are an e…
Classes & Events

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    Reach out and connect with Jefferson Center today. 

      Getting Started
      Jefferson Center provides client-centered services designed to meet your individual mental health, substance use, and wellness needs. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your journey and working together to help you live a satisfying and hopeful life.

      Emergency & Crisis Services
      • Hotline
      • Walk-in crisis centers
      • Mobile crisis services throughout the state