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Classes & Events
Calming Your Child’s Emotions With Cool Down Corners
Are you struggling with remote learning and need some ideas on handling emotions? Or what to do when your child is having a meltdown? Join us to learn how to create a Cool Down Corner at home where your Pre-K to sixth-grade child can learn to se…
Putting Out the Fire: Preventing and Managing Burnout
Burnout has become a buzzword over the last several months and can be defined as a syndrome that results from chronic stress and manifests itself as feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance, or reduced efficacy. Odds ar…
How Good Nutrition and Lifestyle Decisions Support Learning, Mood & More
What your children eat is the foundation for their routines, growth, and development. This webinar will provide information, ideas, and tips for busy parents and families on how to increase children’s learning and engagement through nutrition…
Stress Busters for Parents: Put On Your Oxygen Mask First
Parenting children of any age can be stressful. With the stress of parenting, jobs, relationships, and finances, your physical and emotional well-being can be impacted. We often think of our own emotional needs last but when the stress in your life…
Mindfulness and Meditation 101
Countless studies have proven the benefits of mindfulness and meditation. These practices can help lower stress, improve your sleep, manage feelings of anxiety and depression, and increase your overall health. But, what do mindfulness and meditatio…
Improving Sleep for Better Mental Health and Wellness
Getting a good night’s sleep affects so many aspects of our lives. Without it, you’ll feel tired, cranky, and could eventually lead to chronic health problems. But why is it so hard to get the eight hours of peaceful rest that our body needs? …
How To: Support Your Kids as They Begin the 2020-21 School Year
It’s time for back-to-school and this year is looking much different than most.  Virtual, in-person, and hybrid school models are all in play as school kicks off, and parents, students, and school districts are all needing to be flexible to ad…
Hoarding 101: Hoarding Reality vs. What You See on TV
You’ve seen the hoarding shows on TV– rooms piled high with junk, closets overflowing, and people whose lives have been overtaken by their obsession with stuff. But when someone in real life has a hoarding disorder, is that really what it looks lik…
Getting Out of a Funk: Tools and Tips to Manage Depression
Sometimes you just feel off. Maybe you feel a bit disconnected from the people around you, or you’re having trouble feeling motivated to get things done. You aren’t quite depressed, but you’ve definitely felt better. It happens to the best of…
How To: Navigating Unemployment Benefits and Housing in Colorado
Losing a job can bring on feelings of anxiety and stress, and trying to learn about how to apply for benefits can be confusing. As the community’s mental health center, we are not only here to support your mental health, we are also here to provide…
Classes & Events

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      Getting Started
      Jefferson Center provides client-centered services designed to meet your individual mental health, substance use, and wellness needs. We’re dedicated to meeting you where you are in your journey and working together to help you live a satisfying and hopeful life.

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      • Hotline
      • Walk-in crisis centers
      • Mobile crisis services throughout the state