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A Note From Kiara: April 2023

The seasons are shifting, and I find myself in awe once again at the Colorado spring. On the days where several inches of snow have covered the crocus blooms and laid down the daffodils in my front yard, I am certain that they won’t survive the overnight freeze. A few days later, I experience the recurring sense of wonder, and witness the resilience of nature, as the snow has melted, the daffodils are standing tall once again, their blooms have opened, faces toward the sun. I welcome spring and all the opportunities it brings for renewal and growth and recognize that sometimes it is the hardships and the struggles that bring us the most strength and opportunity to thrive.

April is also National Stress Awareness Month, and an important reminder of the growing number of stressors that exist in our world, particularly in underserved and marginalized communities and for those with unmet social and behavioral health needs.  According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 66% of adults in Colorado report experiencing moderate to high levels of stress in the past year. In addition to simply managing the increasing pressures of daily life, family, and work, recent tragedies involving gun violence, crimes against marginalized communities, and the sustained vigilance required during the COVID-19 pandemic make it more important than ever to prioritize our mental health. Stress can impact our lives in many ways, including physical health problems like headaches and digestive issues, as well as emotional issues like anxiety and depression. It can also make it difficult to focus, connect with others, and enjoy the things we love. Burnout is a real risk, and it can lead to serious health problems if left unaddressed. While we typically think about burnout in the workplace, burnout truly impacts those in all phases and walks of life and can result from the pressures and responsibilities inherent in caregiving, studying, employment, advocacy, or any area of life where you are devoting significant energy.

At Jefferson Center, we are committed to helping our community manage their stress and prevent burnout. We offer a range of services and resources, from individual therapy to group support sessions and wellness classes, to help individuals or groups develop the skills and strategies they need to thrive. We believe that everyone deserves access to mental health support, and we’re here to help.

Learn more about managing and preventing burnout here: Putting Out the Fire: Preventing and Managing Burnout – Jefferson Center – Mental Health and Substance Use Services (

As we move forward into spring and beyond, take some time to focus on your own mental and emotional wellbeing. Connect with what matters in the present moment, recognize your own resiliency, have patience through the darker days, and take the time to experience the joy and wonder of the world, as you pause in the warmth of the sun. There are times when you and those you care for may need more support, and we have resources that can help. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and I look forward to engaging with you all in the coming months.

– Kiara Kuenzler, Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist, President and CEO

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